Sunday, October 16, 2016

Opposing Viewpoints

     Hanlon and Garner have a slightly different view on animal experimentation, they both think its cruel, they both think its disgusting, the only thing that they don't agree on is that its "necessary".
     Garner is completely against animal experimentation. he believes that we are guilty of speciesism, which is the assumption that the human species is superior which leads to animal experimentation. He says that although we are aware of the suffering caused by animal experimentation, but because they are being used to benefit the human race it should be allowed, and he says that isn't right.
     Hanlon on the other hand believes that animal experimentation is both disgusting and cruel, but he also believes that it is a necessity. He says that although there are experiments that shouldn't be done, there are those that are needed. He says that without vivisection, another term for animal experimentation, we wouldn't have the advances is today's modern medicine. 
     I think that animal experimentation should not exist, I don't think that it is fair to the animals that they get used to test things for the well being of a more superior species. I think that Garner is 100% right, like Garner, I believe we are guilty of speciesism. And now I think it is time to find an alternative to animal experimentation. 

full citations:

Garner, Robert. "Animal Experimentation Is Unethical." Animal Experimentation. Ed. Helen Cothran. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Animal Rights and Wrongs. “Chemistry and Industry (4 Jan. 1999). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.

Hanlon, Michael. "Vivisection Is Right, But It Is Nasty—And We Must Be Brave Enough to Admit This." Daily Mail 24 July 2012. Rpt. in Animal Rights. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Presidential Debate: Who's the better candidate?

This year the United States has a choice to make. The Presidential debates have started and two out of the FOUR presidential candidates are on the same stage.... debating. Watching the first presidential debate, I made my decision on who I am voting for this November. Now the reality is that out of the four only the two debating have an actual shot at winning this election, Trump and Hillary. During the debate all I could hear was Trump blame Hillary for all that is wrong with this country and Hillary was calling Trump out on him not paying taxes. Trump was not at all prepared for the first debate and he made a complete fool of himself. Hillary was definitely more prepared than trump was.  Towards the end of the debate they were talking about the Iraq invasion and Trump said he did not support the it, then Hillary then told him that it had been proven before that he had supported the invasion in Iraq invasion, Trump then started saying “WRONG” over and over again, then he said that they were rumors started by Clinton and then he said he maybe said he supported it on an interview with Howard Stern. If Trump wasn’t ready for this debate what makes him ready to run a country. Hillary is the way to go, unlike Trump she actually is prepared, with actual political background. Since only two of the four candidates have experience in politics. So this November I’m voting for Hillary Clinton, it sure beats voting for a guy’s whose last name rhymes with what he’ll turn this country into…… a DUMP! Go out and vote people, it makes a difference!